1、DECLARE 语句一定要放在最前面,否则报错:SQL 错误 [1064] 比如
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS json_to_select; CREATE PROCEDURE json_to_select (in jsonArray JSON) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0; select JSON_LENGTH(jsonArray) into arrayLen; DECLARE tmpSql2 varchar(1000) character set utf8; end;
这里,我故意在 select JSON_LENGTH(jsonArray) into arrayLen; 后面加了一行 DECLARE tmpSql2 varchar(1000) character set utf8; 此时会报错的,如果一定要声明,则需要提到 select 前面。
那么,问题来了,我需要先获取到 用户编码,然后声明一个游标,类似下面的 sql
DECLARE orderList CURSOR FOR SELECT order_code FROM ex_order where user_code = userCode;
按照 java 的逻辑,sql 应该这么写:
DECLARE userCode varchar(20) character set utf8; select user_code into userCode; DECLARE orderList CURSOR FOR SELECT order_code FROM ex_order where hosp_code = hospCode and user_code = userCode and beactive = 1 order by id desc limit limitCount;
而按照 DECLARE 语句必须写到最前面,这不就冲突了?其实,存储过程中,你完全可以这么写:
DECLARE userCode varchar(20) character set utf8; DECLARE orderList CURSOR FOR SELECT order_code FROM ex_order where hosp_code = hospCode and user_code = userCode and beactive = 1 order by id desc limit limitCount; select user_code into userCode;
另外,into 的意思是赋值,比如 select user_code into userCode; 或者 select user_code, user_name into userCode, userName; 含义是查询 user_code 赋值给 userCode,查询 user_name 赋值给 userName
另外,这里 character set utf8 也同样很重要,如果没有它,中文会乱码。
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS json_to_select; CREATE PROCEDURE json_to_select (in jsonArray JSON) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE j INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE arrayLen INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE keyLen INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE jsonObject varchar(500) character set utf8; DECLARE jsonKeys varchar(500) character set utf8; DECLARE jsonKey varchar(500) character set utf8; DECLARE jsonValue varchar(500) character set utf8; DECLARE sqlValue varchar(5000) character set utf8; DECLARE tmpSql varchar(1000) character set utf8; select JSON_LENGTH(jsonArray) into arrayLen; WHILE (i < arrayLen) DO SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(jsonArray, CONCAT('$[',i,']')) into jsonObject; SELECT JSON_KEYS(jsonObject) into jsonKeys; select 0 into j; select 'select' into tmpSql; select JSON_LENGTH(jsonKeys) into keyLen; WHILE (j < keyLen) DO SELECT JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(jsonKeys, CONCAT('$[',j,']'))) into jsonKey; SELECT JSON_VALUE(jsonObject, CONCAT('$.',jsonKey,'')) into jsonValue; SELECT CONCAT(tmpSql, ' ', '"', jsonValue , '"', ' ', jsonKey) into tmpSql; SELECT j + 1 INTO j; if(j < keyLen) then SELECT CONCAT(tmpSql, ', ') into tmpSql; END if; END WHILE; if(i < 1) then select tmpSql into sqlValue; end if; if(i > 0) then select CONCAT(sqlValue, ' UNION ALL ', tmpSql) into sqlValue; end if; SELECT i + 1 INTO i; END WHILE; set @sql = sqlValue; PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; EXECUTE stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; end; call json_to_select('[ { "id": 4233, "hospCode": "tdyy", "orderCode": "2020070700018", "departCode": "100037", "departName": "一般检查" }, { "id": 4234, "hospCode": "tdyy", "orderCode": "2020070700019", "departCode": "100038", "departName": "一般检查2" }, { "id": 4235, "hospCode": "tdyy", "orderCode": "2020070700020", "departCode": "100039", "departName": "一般检查3" } ]');
这个存储过程则是把输入的 json 输出为 mysql 的查询集,这在存储过程中非常有用。你可以将数据查询出来后转为 json object 或者 json array,新版 mysql 已经支持这个。然后操作 json,最后输出。完美!注意:dbeaver 社区版不支持 存储过程,直接报错(可以参考:Unable create stored procedure for MySQL)但是 navicat 正常。